The most common Gorean garment for a slave is a brief slave tunic. This tunic is invariably sleeveless, and usually, has a deep, plunging neckline. It may be of a great variety of materials, from rich satins and silks to thin, form-revealing, clinging rep-cloth. Camisks are favored in some cities. The common camisk is a simple rectangle of cloth, containing, in its center, a circular opening. The garment is drawn on by the girl over her head and down upon her shoulders; it is worn, thus, like a poncho; it is commonly belted with biding fiber or a bit of light chain, something with which the girl may be secured, if the master wishes."
~~Guardsmen of Gor, pg107-109

"The common camisk is a single piece of cloth, about eighteen inches wide, thrown over the girl's head and worn like a poncho. It usually falls a bit above the knees in the front and back and is belted with cord or chain."
~~Nomads of Gor pg 90

“The common camisk is a simple rectangle of cloth, containing, in its center, a circular opening. The garment is drawn on by the girl over her head and down upon her shoulders; it is worn, thus, like a poncho; it is commonly belted with biding fiber or a bit of light chain, something with which the girl may be secured, if the master wishes. One city in which the common camisk is favored, generally, is Tharna. The Turian camisk is a bit like an inverted "T," the bar of which has beveled edges. It goes about the neck, down, low, and is drawn up, and snugly, usually quite snugly, between the legs, the beveled bar ends of the "T" then being folded closely forward about the girl's flanks and being tied, tightly, at her belly. In the common camisk the girl's flanks, and her brand, are bared. In the Turian camisk, because of its snugness and adjustment cords, it is easy, as you might well imagine, to leave little doubt as to the girl's beauty. Needless to say, the camisk most commonly found in great Turia, the Ar of the south, is that camisk which Goreans, generally, know as the "Turian camisk." Interestingly, in Turia itself, it is known simply as the "camisk," and what I have called the common camisk is, in Turia, referred to as the "northern camisk."
~~Outlaw of Gor, pg 186"The Turian camisk, if it were to be laid out on the floor, would appear somewhat like an inverted 'T' in which the bar of the 'T' would be beveled on each side. It is fastened with a single cord. The cord binds the garment on the girl at three points, behind the neck, behind the back, and in front at the waist. The garment itself, as might be supposed, fastens behind the girl's neck, and, folding the two sides of the T's bar about her hips, ties in front. The Turian camisk, unlike the common camisk, will cover the girl's brand; on the other hand, unlike the common camisk, it leaves the back uncovered and can be tied, and is, snugly, the better to disclose the girl's beauty."
~~Nomads of Gor, pg 90


"From one side a slave girl, barefoot, bangled, in sashed, diaphanous, trousered chalwar, gathered at the ankle, its tight, red-silk vest, with bare midriff, fled to him, with the tall, graceful, silvered pot containing the black wine. She was veiled. She knelt, replenishing the drink. Beneath her veil, I saw the metal of her collar."
Tribesman of Gor page 88 "She wore a high, red-silk vest, swelling, fastened with a single hook; diaphanous red-silk chalwar, low on her hips, gathered at the ankles; two golden bangles on her left ankle; collar."
~~Tribesman of Gor pg 156

Chatka, Curla, Kalmak, and Koora
"Among the Wagon Peoples, to be clad Kajir means, for a girl, to wear four articles, two red two black; a red cord, the Curla, is tied about the waist; the Chatka, or long, narrow strip of black leather, fits over the cord in front, passes under, and then again, from the inside, passes over the cord in back; the Chatka is drawn tight; the Kalmak is then donned; it is a short, open, sleeveless vest of black leather; lastly the Koora, a strip of red cloth, matching the Curla, is wound about the head, to hold the hair back, for slave women, among the Wagon Peoples, are not permitted to braid, or otherwise dress their hair; it must be, save for the Koora, worn loose. For a male slave or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather."

~~Nomads of Gor

"The red cord, or Curla, was knotted about my waist, tightly, the knot, a slip knot, might be loosened with a single tug over my left hip. Over the Curla in the front, slipping under the body and between the legs, and passing over the Curla in the back, was the Chatka, or narrow strip of black leather, some six inches in width, some five feet or so in length; it was drawn tight; when a girl wears the Curla and Chatka, the brand, whether on left or right thigh, is fully visible, for the inspection of masters. I also wore a brief, open, sleeveless vest of black leather, the Kalmak. I wore a broad Koora, which, kerchieflike, covered most of my head."
~~Slave Girl of Gor

a brief made of rep cloth, coming high upon the thighs, used for sleeping in the Tahari
~~Tribesman of Gor pg 172

"Following him, in a black haik, was a woman. Suddenly I was startled. As she passed me, her stride small and measured, I heard the clink of light chain, the sound of ankle bells. She was slave. She turned her head, briefly, to look at me; I saw her eyes, dark, through the tiny opening in the haik, through the tiny, black-lace screen, about an inch in height and four inches in width. Then, with a rustle of chain, and the tiny music of her bells, she turned swiftly, following her master. Beneath the haik, I supposed her collared, naked."
~~Tribesmen of Gor page 44


"For a male slave, or Kajirus, of the Wagon Peoples, and there are few, save for the work chains, to be clad Kajir means to wear the Kes, a short, sleeveless work tunic of black leather."
~~Nomads of Gor pg 30


"Only a kirtle of thin, white wool, split to the belly, stood between their beauty and the leather of their masters." Marauders of Gor page 100"She was blond; she was barefoot; she wore an ankle-length white kirtle, of white wool, sleeveless, split to her belly." Marauders of Gor page 81Gunnhild, angrily, with two hands, jerked her kirtle to her waist, and stood straight, proudly before the Forkbeard, her breasts, which were marvelous, thrust forward.”
~~Marauders of Gor, pg 85

"Slave Silk, and certainly that sort which is commonly worn in paga taverns and upon occasion in brothels, when the girls are permitted clothing there, is generally diaphanous. It leaves little doubt as to the beauty of the slave. Some girls claim they would rather be naked, claiming that such silk makes them 'more naked then naked,' but most girls, and I think, even those, too, who speak in such a way, are grateful for even the wisp of gossamer shielding it provides against the imperious appraisals of masters, even though it must be pulled away or discarded instantly at a man's whim."
~~Dancer of Gor pg 224


"Eta pulled at the bit of rag she wore. "'Ta-Teera," she said. I looked down at the scrap of rag, outrageously brief, so scandalous, so shameful, fit only for a slave girl, which I wore. I smiled. I had been placed in a Ta-Teera. "Ta-Teera," I said. I wore the Ta-Teera."
Slave Girl of Gor page 81

"One of the most exciting slave garments, if the slave is permitted clothing, is the Ta-Teera, or, as it is sometimes called, the slave rag. This is analogous to the tunic, but it is little more, and intentionally so, than a rag or rags. In it the girl is in no doubt as to whether or not she is a slave. Some cities do not wish girls in Ta-Teeras to be seen publicly on the streets. Some masters put their girls in such garments only when they are camping, or in the wilds. Others, of course, may prescribe the Ta-Teera for their girls when they are within their own compartments." Outlaw of Gor page 186"It was with joy, later in the morning, that I felt, thrown against my body by my master, a bit of brown cloth. It was a few threads, fit for a bond girl(...)Joyfully I drew on the garment, slipping it over my head, and fastened it, more tightly about me by the two tiny hooks on the left. The slit made the garment a rather snug one, easier to slip into; the two hooks, when fastened, naturally increased the snugness of the garment, drawing it quite closely about the breasts and hips, deliciously then, from the point of view of a man, the girl's figure is betrayed and accentuated; also the two hooks do not close the slit on the left completely, but permit men to gaze upon the sweet slave flesh pent, held captive within."
~~Slave Girl of Gor pg 75

Thrall Tunic

"Men in the fields wore short tunics of white wool; some carried hoes; their hair was close cropped; about their throats had been hammered bands of black iron, with a welded ring attached."
~~Marauders of Gor pg 82

Work Tunic

"I wore a brief, one-piece, brown work tunic. It was all I wore, with the exception of the collar. We wore such tunics when engaged as work slaves. The tunics of work slaves are usually brown or gray."

~~Slave Girl of Gor pg 285
"About her forehead, tying back her dark hair, was a strip of rep cloth, brown, of the same material as the work tunic. I knew this meant she had authority among the girls."
~~Captive of Gor pg 285

Shirtdress of the Barrens

"About her throat, narrow, sturdy and closely fitting, was a steel collar. I stepped back, that I might see her better. She wore a short, fringed, beaded shirtdress. This came up high on her thighs. It was split to her waist, revealing the sweetness and loveliness of her breasts. It was belted upon her with a doubly looped, tightly knotted rawhide string. Such a string is more than sufficient, in its length, and in the strength and toughness, to tie a woman a number of ways. She was barefoot. About her left ankle there was, about two inches high, a beaded cuff, or anklet. Her garb was doubtless intended to suggest the distinctive, humiliating and scandalously brief garment in which red savages are sometimes pleased to place their white slaves."
~~Savages of Gor

Slave Livery
a much more modest garment, consisting of an over-the-head piece of clothing not unlike a "sheath-dress" or sun dress. These tend to be simple, brief (usually covering the wearer to the middle of the thigh) and are often employed for tower slaves, work slaves, or household and domestic slaves.
She wore the briefly skirted, sleeveless slave livery common in the northern cities of Gor; the livery was yellow and split to the cord that served as her belt; about her throat she wore a matching collar, yellow enameled over steel.”
~~Assassins of Gor, pg 7

Pleasure Silk
(Noun): sheer, clingy form of silk worn only by slave girls; wraps like a pareau, with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder
sheer, clingy form of silk worn only by slave girls; wraps like a pareau, with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder”
~~Captive of Gor, pg 322

Slave Veil

(Noun): a small triangle of diaphanous yellow silk, worn across the bridge of the nose and covering the lower half of the face; it parodies the heavy veils worn by free women, as it conceals nothing and often arouses the lust of masters
"she took the tiny, triangular yellow veil, utterly diaphanous, and held it before her face, covering the lower portion of her face. The veil was drawn back and she held it at her ears. The light silk was held across the bridge of her nose, where, beautifully, its porous, yellow sheen broke to the left and right. Her mouth, angry, was visible behind the veil. It, too, covered her chin. The mouth of a woman, by men of the Tahari, and by Goreans generally, is found extremely provocative, sexually. The slave veil is a mockery, in its way. It reveals, as much as conceals, yet it adds a touch of subtlety, mystery; slave veils are made to be torn away, the lips of the master then crushing those of the slave."
~~Tribesmen of Gor, pg 69-70

Torvaldsland Garments

"Before he had left, he had them sew northern garments for themselves, under his instruction. From the furs and hides among the spoils at the wall they had cut and sewn for themselves stockings of lart skin, and shirts of hide, and a light and heavy parka, each hooded and rimmed with lart fur. Too, they had made the high fur boots of the northern woman and the brief panties of fur, to which the boots, extending to the crotch, reach. On the hide shirts and parkas he had made them sew a looped design of stitching at the left shoulder, which represented binding fiber. This designated the garments as those of beasts. A similar design appeared on each of the other garments. About their throats now, too, they wore again four looped strings, each differently knotted, by means of which a red hunter might, upon inspection, determine that their owner was Imnak."
~~Beasts of Gor

"I saw four small milk bosk grazing on short grass. In the distance, above the acres, I could see mountains, snowcapped. A flock of verr, herded by a maid with a stick, turned bleating on the sloping hillside. She shaded her eyes. Se was blond; she was barefoot; she wore an ankle-length white kirtle of white wool, sleeveless, split to her belly; about her neck I could see a dark ring."
~~Marauders of Gor

"If you are washed and readied" said a young thrall, collared in a kirtle of white wool, "it is permissible to present yourself before the high seat of the house, before my master, Svein Blue Tooth, Jarl of Torvaldsland."

~~Marauders of Gor

Dress of the Barrens
“About her throat, narrow, sturdy and closely fitting, was a steel collar. I stepped back, that I might see her better. She wore a short, fringed, beaded shirtdress. This came up high on her thighs. It was split to her waist, revealing the sweetness and loveliness of her breasts. It was belted upon her with a doubly looped, tightly knotted rawhide string. Such a string is more than sufficient, in its length, and in the strength and toughness, to tie a woman a number of ways. She was barefoot. About her left ankle there was, about two inches high, a beaded cuff, or anklet. Her garb was doubtless intended to suggest the distinctive, humiliating and scandalously brief garment in which red savages are sometimes pleased to place their white slaves.”
~~Savages of Gor, pg 102

The Frozen North
“Before he had left, he had them sew northern garments for themselves, under his instruction. From the furs and hides among the spoils at the wall they had cut and sewn for themselves stockings of lart skin, and shirts of hide, and a light and heavy parka, each hooded and rimmed with lart fur. Too, they had made the high fur boots of the northern woman and the brief panties of fur, to which the boots, extending to the crotch, reach. On the hide shirts and parkas he had made them sew a looped design of stitching at the left shoulder, which represented binding fiber. This designated the garments as those of beasts. A similar design appeared on each of the other garments. About their throats now, too, they wore again four looped strings, each differently knotted, by means of which a red hunter might, upon inspection, determine that their owner was Imnak.”

~~Beasts of Gor, pg 175


'Do you know the arrangements of pleasure silks?' she asked. 'No Mistress,' I said, putting down my head. 'Do you know the cosmetics and perfumes of a slave girl, and their application?' she asked. 'No Mistress,' I said. 'The jewelries?' she asked. 'No Mistress,' I said."
~~Slave Girl of Gor, pg 261

There are one hundred and eleven basic shades of slave lipstick,' said Sucha. 'Much depends on the mood of the master.' "
~~Slave Girl of Gor, page 261

I looked at the incredibly lovely girl in the mirror, she bedecked in a rope of red silk, made-up, perfumed, vulnerable, soft, with armlets and bracelets, golden beads intertwined in the Turian collar."

~~Slave Girl of Gor, pg 261

A 'chain dress' of sorts...made of looping chains from the collar to wrist and ankle rings. The chain is usually light and shiny. "....both girls wore the Sirik, a light chain favored for female slaves by many Gorean masters; it consists of a Turian-type collar, a loose, rounded circle of steel, to which a light, gleaming chain is attached; should the girl stand,the chain, dangling from her collar, falls to the floor; it is about ten or twelve inches longer than is required to reach from her collar to her ankles; to this chain,at the natural fall of her wrists, is attached a pair of slave bracelets; at the end of the chain there is attached another device, a set of linked ankle rings, which,when closed about her ankles,lifts a portion of the slack chain from the floor; the Sirik is an incredibly graceful thing and designed to enhance the beauty of its wearer; perhaps it should only be added that the slave bracelets and the ankle rings may be removed from the chain and used separately; this also, of course, permits the Sirik to function as a slave leash."
~~Nomads of Gor, pg42


"She threw a linkage of rings and bells to the tiles beside me. 'Bell yourself,' she said. 'They lock,' I said. 'Bell yourself, 'she said. I extended my left ankle and, carefully, aligned the four rings. The rings were linked vertically at five places by tiny metal fastenings; each ring, opened, hinged, terminated on one end with a bolt and the other with a tiny lock; I slipped the small bolts into the tiny locks; there were four tiny snaps; the rings, linked together, fitted snugly; each ring bore five slave bells.
~~Slave Girl of Gor, pg 259

Chastity Belt
"She also wore an iron belt. This belt consisted of two major pieces, one was a rounded, fitted, curved barlike waistband, flattened at the ends; one end of this band, that on the right, standing behind the woman and looking forward, had a heavy semicircular ring, or staple, welded onto it; the other flattened end of the waistband, looking forward, had a slot in it which fitted over the staple; the other major portion of this belt consisted of a curved band of flat, shaped iron; one end of this flat band was curved about, and closed about, the barlike waistband in the front; this produces a hinge; on the other end of this flat band of iron is a slot; it fits over the same staple as the slot in the flattened end of the left side of the barlike waistband. The belt is then put on the woman in this fashion. The waistband is closed about her, the left side, its slot penetrated by the staple, over the right side; the flat U-shaped band of iron, controured to female intimacies, is then swung up on its hinge, between her thighs, where the slot on its end is penetrated by the staple, this keeping the parts of the belt in place. The whole apparatus is then locked on her, the tongue of the padlock thrust through the staple, the lock then snapped shut."

~~Kajira of Gor, page 103

"She wore on her throat a high, gold collar, with, in front, a large golden loop, some two inches in width. Threaded through this loop was a golden chain. This chain terminated, at each end, with high, golden slave bracelets. When the girl stands her hands may fall naturally at her sides, each in its bracelet, each bracelet attached to the same chain, which passes through the collar loop. It is a very beautiful way of chaining a girl."
~~ Beasts of Gor, pg 79

Slave Hobble

"The slave hobble consists of two rings, one for a wrist, the other for an ankle, joined by about seven inches of chain. In a right-handed girl, such as either Aphris or Elizabeth, it locks on the right wrist and left ankle. When the girl kneel, in any of the traditional positions of the Gorean woman, either slave or free, it is not uncomfortable."
~~Nomads of Gor, pg 154-155

Slave Ring

He thrust the dark-haired girl to her knees by the seventh collar and snapped it about her neck, turning the key, locking it. It gave her about a two-foot length of chain, fastened to a slave ring bolted into the stone."
~~Assassin of Gor, pg 8

"The girl was naked, save that she wore many strings of jewels and armlets. Too, she wore bracelets and anklets of gold, which had been locked upon her, and were belled. Her collar, too, was of gold, and belled. A single pearl, fastened in a setting like a droplet, on a tiny golden chain, was suspended at the center of her forehead."
Rouge Of Gor, pg. 10 - 11